Saturday, July 29, 2006

Blahblahblah asks a question!

Not too long ago I tried to catch a stray who promptly sped up a tree. I looked up in vain, wishing my hook shot would have arrived by now. Or I hadn't accidently tied that rope into a nouse instead of a ladder...

Anyway, she glared down at me and found this an opportune time to inquire of humanity.

"Are humans a compilation of inabilities?" She snickered, making light of something she had serious thoughts on.

I did not respond and she continued, "You have eyeglasses and sunglasses and hearing aids and canes and seeing-dogs and hearing-dogs...forks to eat and cups to drink, beds to sleep, lotion for your weak skin, brushes for your bad hair and bad teeth, drills and surgery, and you're furless and ugly to boot!"

Well, I was flustered but I had to say, "We don't need forks, cups and beds. We just like them."

"The only thing that's gotten you anywhere is that structural setup of yours and much good that does you, it's high maintence. That opposable thumb, that's the only thing you have going for you."

"We're working on the rest!"

"Working, isn't that true? Most of your lives you'll be working and making things worse of course. I'll live all my life as I please and, chances are my 20-yr lifespan will consist of only that. I think barely anything I do is working and in your 80-yr lifespan you'll spend just about as much time as I do in 20 yrs taking it easy or doing things your way! The rest you'll spend suffering from the 1000 ailments that plague you and working, working like you said-always."

She had said what she wanted and scampered off elsewhere.

I didn't have any time to tell her that a genetic mastermind genius is working on the weak skin, bad hearing, sight, and teeth....and taking over the world. I wonder if she would have joined me?

[Probably not]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Alice.
Lay off the acid...

-Dr. Kenso