Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pixel the Pirhanna...?

As you can see, I can not spell Piranna correctly typically.

I didnt go to work today as I currently have a high fever and if it hadn't been for the medicine I would still be in bed...anyhow, enough pity...

Now that I can finally look at the computer I felt that Pixel the piranna required a mention as she has caused me to miss many hours of sle
ep since her arrival. It's actually fairly difficult to type when she is around as well. Anyway, Pixel is the new animal of the summer. Last year it was quails, this year a kitten...perhaps a llama next year. She is for my dorm though. You know, the illegal place. Always fun to see what you can get away with...[sometimes].

We put her in a cage at night so she meows constantly and keeps us up until 1-2 in the morning and wakes us around 5. It wouldn't bother me much if I hadn't been supposed to work full time this week. Although, I sitll hate putting her in the cage. I guess it is necissary in case Friskie wants to kill her [sister's cat] although she is slowly befriending Angie [my cat <3].

After much difficulty we named the kitten Pixel, later finding out the fact that she wants to eat all of us we added on "the piranna". Angie and Friskie never tried to kill us, I have a feeling she is going to be a verrrry different cat. I hope my roomates are still interested in having her...hehe [or I am doomed].

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i gone throught at least a dozen cats and kittens. though i have a foggy memories of what ever happened to them. i also had a couple of dogs, a few stray/wounded birds, a mouse, and oodle and oodle of fishes. now all that are left are prolly around 10 fishes....mind you, i did not kill any of them except the mouse [i accidently gave him a second degree burn while trying to dry him off after his bath with a blowdryer]