Monday, October 30, 2006

If you eat the RED cupcake...

I have One High Heel race picture 'cause all the rest are messed up. =/ The were PEDA too. =P

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Anyway...McSweeny suddenly appeared on Saturday morning. I wasn't really sure what to do but we managed to go to the zoo on Sunday and on Saturday we got lost in the National Mall and ate at Johnny Rockets. I have photos to prove his shocking existance. ^_-

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We also found a Segway parade!

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And owned everyone in baruit (barely).

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I am sure that is way too many pictures for one day so I apologize -_-;


Anonymous said...

police are also using segways nowaday. have you heard the song "white and nerdy"? lol it's soo funny!

Anonymous said...

i heard you were in town
you should stop by sometime and we can go see a movie or something.

Anonymous said...



Splatter said...

Who is Sean? =/?

Anonymous said...

There's a man who leads a life of danger.
To everyone he meets he stays a stranger.
With every move he makes another chance he takes.
Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow.