Sunday, October 01, 2006

my leg...!!

Once again, work comes and I have barely anything to do. Next weekend will be my last because B term is going to be starting soon and I can’t work while in Washington…or, of course, while enjoying break J which I intend to do.

Paintballing yesterday was fun but painful. The ammo is really expensive so I can see how it would be a difficult sport to get into (financially). The field is almost as expensive as mountain skiing for a day. I never thought I would find a sport more expensive than skiing but I did…

It’s too bad too, it would really be something I’d get into. It’s good exercise, as I am feeling right now. My entire body was in pain by 10 last night and it’s worse now. I blame my numerous bruises less than I blame by long-term half-crouching and army-movements. I should have done more diving, crawling, and generally more daring dashes. I regret not going berserk on them on the last game and just wasting all my ammo in one fell swoop. Whether or not I actually got anyone that would be cool. There is no way I am turning down Paintball next year.

I really didn’t want to fall asleep at 10 last night but I could barely think or talk. John was trying to talk to me and I couldn’t remember anything he said for more than 5 seconds, the same for everyone talking to me online.

It is the same effect as the morning sometimes. If I am too tired I don’t talk or look at anyone as though they aren’t there. Although it might be rude (although I try to communicate if they are trying to talk to me) I am just so out-of-it that I can only accomplish straight-forward-no-brainer things for a while.

The bruise from the hit that didn’t break on me kills the most x_x but I wish I had battle wounds as red as John’s!


Anonymous said...

lol poor thing
i know the feeling. i played it endlessly last year. i haven't in awhile, u kinda make me wanna get into it again.
i know it sounds dumb, but when i played, i load up on all my jackets and hoody... it may be hot as hell under it, but the pain is bareable. the dive to the ground don't even hurt w/ all the cushions!

Anonymous said...

you neeeeed armor!

-John Kenso