Sunday, October 22, 2006

Outlook = TBA

There seems to be so little going on here that I am really afraid that I am going to be bored out of my mind... Especially without a computer and the general iffy-computer connection. I need something constructive to do. I could use some sort of temporary non-internet-related obsession. Even reading would be good but I haven't had the motivation.

Our group went to Bollston Commons, the location of the NSF, today which is convieniently located practically on the metro and shopping mall and four million places to eat. It takes about 30 minutes to get there which is kinda annoying.

There are tons of hobos and alligators here though, at night the park benches (and there are a lot of parks) are full of them.

I guess after this week will be the moment-of-truth in which I determine whether or not the police will keep me in line an I will have a boring B term and then find a way to survive this desert landscape.

I have a personal proposition in which I can go to events, such as the Circe du Soleil (i know i spelled that first word wrong) and Bush Gardens on the weekend...and the mall has movies and stuff. And of course I didn't bring everything cause i am lazy. The only problem with this is that i have to encounter the black hole of financial suction. I am looking for a cheaper way to discard my life appropriately and, hopefully, productively (going to shows is productive, drawing pictures all day in bed is not)

and of course Lea will have to inform me on whether or not i can pay a visit...and Mikyun will complain if I take anyone else with me to visit him but I really don't need to be at another college with some guy I don't know alone. Nothing big would really happen, I am sure, except he would prolly try to hit on me, which is enough reason to have a little barrier...

and maybe...i will get my cellphone on tuesday! Cookies!!1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


-JK, king's jester