Tuesday, December 19, 2006

good evil good good evil evil

I have determined that there is 4 types of people in the world [of course some being inbetween]...good-good, evil-evil, evilly-good, and good-evil.

good-good...an example is John. Submissive to parents [too much], ultimate caretaker responsiblities, pure in every way...
good-good is super good...that's the guy who works at the soup kitchen and adopts neglected children. You know what I mean.

There is evil-evil...this is the worst. Criminal, con, bully, racist, promiscuous, fraud, etc. I don't know anyone like this...yay!

evilly-good...i know i could say evil-good...but anyway...moreso spence [at least the one i know]...fireworks, getting stuff at the dump to resell, drugs, weak illegal actions but no conning, racism, porn...stuff like that. The kind of person who'd never pick-pocket but would nab candy or batteries at walmart.

I havent stolen anything though btw >_>

then finally the good-evil...which i would prefer to be called well-evil sometimes. That's the folk who are less apt to drugs, stealing, illegal actions, fraud, and bullying but are perfectly fine with porn and would prolly do illegal things and go to strip clubs so long as their friends approved. The ultimate worldly group.

Now what about pot-smoking PEDA personell? That would fit under evilly-good...but what if they don't do anythign else..well...then that's good-good...

I personally dislike the good-evil because I dun like the sterotype in the world. Of course evil-evil is the worst but they're usually locked away pretty quick...

It's tricky with the categories but you can always lean towards one more than another I suppose. Any alterations to my descriptions?


veg said...

I don't like to categorize people like that because the categories never seem to capture everything about the person. Once you put someone in a category you tend to see them as the category too... You also seem to tangle ethically good and legally good; I think it would be more usefull to include some measure of obedience or willingness to follow rules/laws, something like that.

People just seem so much more complicated than just a category. Were you ever interested in profiling?

Splatter said...

why don't you describe yourself on those? I'd like to see. Even if you dun use the words evilly-good or whatever :)

Anonymous said...

Pot smoking is legal in so many countries. Why would doing so make them evil-good, why not good-evil? Is there a good reason it's banned in this country?

-A wondering non-pot smoker

veg said...

because pot smokers are the devil, you hippie!

I guess im somewhere between good-good and good-evil, with a small bit of evil-good.

do you mean PETA?

Splatter said...

there is no good reason it is banned in this country...police just wanna make money prolly =P
