Friday, July 21, 2006

ironing the wrinkles out with a rake

I have been having more strange dreams latetly...for about 2-3 days I was haveing horrible dreams about work [a couple days ago]. I had one today that got me up at around 2 and then 4; not about work though...I can't even remember this one. I remember waking up and not completely understanding where I was and imagining [i hope] spiders on the ceiling, then rolling over to get some comfort from Angie.

It's a little strange because I stopped having the bad dreams about work after Wensday. That day I found out a number of people had been fired...a number of important people who had been there for years. One of which I liked a lot...[Emily] and was sure she could do no wrong. Upon inquireing from a variety of people to ease my curiosity the most imformation I got was that they were fired for "unethical reasons". My determination is that it was money-related based on what I am sure those people would not do and would not be fired for. Also, the fact that 3 people were fired for "unethical reasons" on the same day would undoubtly indicate that whatever it was was linked between the three.

Anyway, I stopped asking after that; it was obvious I wasn't going to receive any further information. Apparently nobody is supposed to talk about it. Either way, I am curious about hunting Emily down if possible so I can find out what happened.

In more recent news! You can't mow a lawn with a shovel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One time I tried to mow the law with a stick. It was a big stick, but it still didn't work very well.