Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My poor Angie...

I figured I owed a post to my cats, Angie and Friskie.

"poor Angie" is just on account of a couple nasty accidents that occured recently. After Ginny stepped on her tail she was hanging out with me for a bit, on the window sill while I was on the computer next to her. Somebody knocked on the door and I jumped up to attend. Coincidently...poor Angie...also jumped up to see who it was. And that was when we collided. Minor damage to me but I certainly could feel how hard I smashed her face against my leg. I felt so guilty I completely ignored the door and chased after Angie, desperate for forgivness. Luckily, she did forgive me but she was pretty shook up by the bang.

Also recently I was hoping to take them to the upstairs neighbors to meet their 3 fatty kittys since we had been watching them while the owners were on vacation.

And here, of course, comes the part where we realize Friskie is the stupid one and Angie is the smart one.

I wasn't able to bring them up a second time because the owners returned but I did end up, previously, taking Friskie up the first time and then Angie.

I had actually been talking to mom about it in the presence of Angie. I unlocked the door and talked to mom a bit again, who disapproved but let me go ahed anyway. I approached Angie and she immediatly was evasive. Normally she is perfectly fine with me picking her up but she knew what was going on. I did manage to pick her up was intent on getting out of my arms before I reached the door so I picked up Friskie instead, who apparently had no idea even though he had been there when I was talking as well.

I took him up and being the somewhat brain-damaged cat he is he thought that the door to the upstairs neighbor's house was ours. I had to keep him from running in blindly, even after I opened the door to reveal all three cats glaring at him from a short distance I still have to fight to keep him from bursting though. Needless to say they didnt get along too well and I brought Friskie back.

I ended up tricking Angie into coming up without a fight I couldn't handle. She got along much better with the other cats and we well aware that upstairs was the not same as our house. Actually, I'd say she got along fairly well. It was a little tense but none of them were actually interested in hurting eachother. It was a bit cute.

But yeah...<3<3 my kitties

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

I too know the experience of having a dumb cat. Years ago, I had a cat named Muffin (FYI: I have since learned, never name a cat Muffin, they are always stupid) Muffin was pregnant and one day she started walking through the living room howling in pain and looking for comfort, but she would not lay down. My cat paced through the house, dropping kittens the whole time. Not only did her maternal instinct not kick in but she was too dumb to realize why she was hurting. And, after they were born she kept hiding her kittens from us and then losing them. We would have to take her to them, and then she would move them away from us again...and it would begin again.

Living Life My Way