Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Woke up in the middle...grr....

The dream started out with me trying to get somebody lost by having them ride a horse ahead of me.

'cept I was riding a dragon...horse...i think. So we went into this cave and lost track of them. We got to this point that had a thin raised bar of land between too lakes of lava. I told the dragon-horse not to trot like normal because of this but he just got annoyed and told me that he did this before and he knew what to do.

After another similar part we came to this area where there would be waves of lava coming from in front of us. However, there were lines in the world or on the ground and we could only fly within them so we would have to jump immediatly after each individual line and then land immediatly before each line but within the accurate timing of the waves of lava. We got through that and went up a mountain that got really snowy. The lines were still there but we walked most of the way anyway.

We got to a point where there was a bad guy throwing ice shards who had really good aim. I got off the dragon and hid behind a pillar and he was still almost getting me. I tried throwing snowballs but I didn't have good aim or range. He was right next to a line so we couldn't fly over. He started throwing frisbees and snowballs. I tried to get the frisbees and throw them back but that wasn't very effective.

I saw a cave and ran to it. There was so much snow in it though I just rolled out in a pile. My dragon just insulted my stupidity in doing that.

I ran back down to the pillar but all these people/creatures were there with snowballs and the bad guy was just laughing at me for getting into such a situation. He didn't even try anymore. He just watched. I somehow managed to get up the mountain with them trying to feed snowballs to...my feet maybe...I think I just kinda got up by pushing off them...or something...

Anyway, I got up and an old lady was following me. Apparently my competator. We got to a building and entered. Looked a little like a restaurant bathroom without the stalls. There were partially and entirely filled glasses filled with a dim liquid and shards of wrapper-ish material in them. Some sign said you were required to drink it. I grabbed a half full one and drank it all. The old lady caught up and picked up a glass. She said she wasn't going to drink one of those. I told her that she had to and they prolly could tell if she wasn't stoned or something. She drank the liquid in a full glass and not the wrappers. I told her the wrappers were prolly the important part so she took those too.

We pulled our tickets from the wall and she said that maybe we'd have rooms close to eachother (we were in some sort of hotel). Mine was on floor 5, room 93. Her's was on floor 5 and some room in the 70's. So I was like, ya...guess we are pretty close.

So we walked to the elevators where there were hordes of people using them. We finally got in one and it was wicked crowded. First stop was a floor in the 70's and then it went down and we thought that it was our floor but it was really floor 7. Each floor looked the same with the drinks and the bathroom-like appearence (although they weren't closed spaces). We pressed 5 and suddenly the elevator dropped all the way do and landed.

Now, these elevators weren't normal...They were half-covered elevators so you could easily see outside them and such. So we landed in some basement with people sitting around everywhere. I just asked where we were and some tall guy told us that that specific elevator did that sometimes. I stayed in it hoping it would be called up but he soon noted that it never went back up. So I said there must be a way out of here. He said there was a stair well but the employees have to let you up.

So I urged people to figure it out and the guy went up a small flight of stairs to a door and knocked on it. The lady inside responded and he asked her to let us up. She got angry and said no. He walked back grumbling that it was because he had a southern accent and sounded stupid.

I asked if there were any big trucker guys stuck down here that might be more of a motivation. There were not. So I went up myself and told the lady through the door that we had been down there for hours and my grammy was going to die of heat exhaustion if she left us in there and she would be held partially responsible for her death. So, unhappily, she let us out and we were on the 4th floor...we decided to walk up the stairs to the 5th floor instead of taking the elevator...

and then...*crash*...ugh....

SOMEBODY WAS SHAKING ME TO WAKE UP and of course I was in the middle of this dream so I didn't get to find out what happened. =/

There was a lot of old people though...what do you make of that?


Nealix said...

That dragon sounds like me.

The old lady is your competetor because she's old (boring).

The elevator crap is an influene of work at the psychology dept.

The guy failing at convincing the stair management lady is reflective of you experiencing me complaining that I, maybe other people you know too, can't convince people b/c I am the dumb.

That's all I can make sense of that.

Splatter said...


Splatter said...

...btw...I never actually thought you were dumb :P